viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

Educational technology emerges in the mid-50s, in countries like the United States, Japan, Germany and many others. However, at this point, in our country, the Dominican Republic, is in first steps, since it is now, when we are talking about the use of technology in our classrooms. But what do we mean when we talk about educational technology? According to Aziz (2010), educational technology is the considered implementation of appropriate tools, techniques, or processes that facilitate the application of senses, memory, and cognition to enhance teaching practices and improve learning outcomes.

I would say, when we integrate technology resources in the teaching-learning process with a specific pedagogical purpose, we talk about educational technology.

Several investigators have shown that the use of technology in the educational process offers many advantages. For example, Cabero (2003), says it encourages collaborative work among students. Thus, with the use of tools such as wikis, you can create work groups where participants contribute to a final product together. In addition, tools like webquests, podcasts, blogs, among others, enhance creativity and innovation in students. Also, one of the great advantages of technology is the interaction that can be created with parents who can watch from the house, the progress of their children and the teacher's work with students.

However, despite its many advantages, I have seen the use of technology in the classroom has some disadvantages. One is the resistance from teachers who still do not adapt to the change that this implies, and prefer to continue with the traditional method of teaching. Added to this, we can mention the few digital skills they have, that discourage them in the use of technological resources. In some cases, although teachers possess adequate digital skills, and adapt to changes, exist the disadvantage that the school does not have the necessary resources to make this integration, increasing even more their motivation.

Therefore, the use of technology in the teaching-learning process involves a transformation in all areas, involving the participation of all stakeholders in the educational process. First, the implementation of new teaching strategies used by teachers in the classroom, which in turn implies a change in the teaching paradigm, since we pass from a linear education to a tridimensional education. In that order, innovative activities should be designed with the integration of technology. Furthermore, the role of the school management team should not be ignored, they must advocate for the school to acquire the technological resources needed to implement these changes and train the teachers to use these resources efficiently in their classes.

In short, the possibilities that provide us the use of technology in the teaching-learning process are undeniable, if we consider that today our students are digital natives, those young people who were born and in a completely digital age, whose brain pattern and way of learning has changed. Therefore, we must adapt the educational process to their way of learning, designing lesson plans that include the use of technology. If we do this well, we will achieve the transformation we all desire in our students, make them economically useful for this competitive society in which we live through.


Aziz, Hap (2010), The 5 Keys to Educational Technology, recuperado de

Cabero-Almenara, J. (2003). Replanteando la tecnología educativa. Comunicar: Revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación, (21), 23-30.

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